You’ve Got Questions. We’ve Got Answers!

When is the management office open?

Monday-Friday 9 am-5 pm and Saturday 11 am-3:30 pm.

Where are the laundry rooms?

The laundry rooms are on each floor opposite in the southwest corner of the building next to the mail chute. There is also a large, main laundry room on the third floor. Just follow the signs to find it!

How much does it cost to do laundry?

$2.25 per wash and $2.00 per dry. Simply add money to your laundry cards via machine located in the main laundry room on the third floor.

How do I schedule the loading dock and freight elevator?

Call or email the management office at least 3 days in advance to reserve the loading dock and freight elevator when you move in or move out.

How Do I Get A Cab?

Cabs drive by the building frequently, so all you need to do is step outside a hail a cab (or ask our door attendant for help). If you need to schedule a cab ride, we recommend Freedom Taxi 215-222-9999 or PHL Taxi 215-222-5555. Lyft and Uber service is also available.

How to I Sign In Guests?

Please call the front desk to let them know your guest is coming so we can let them up right away. Make sure the desk has an up-to-date phone number for you.

Where is the Nearest Post Office?

2037 Chestnut St
Philadelphia, PA
Hours and Direction

Where is the Nearest FEDEX Drop Off?

There is a drop off box at the corner of 18th and Walnut. The nearest store is:
216 S 16th St
(16th and Chancellor)
Philadelphia, PA 19102
Hours and Directions

Where Do I Get Food Delivered?

All food and personal deliveries must go to the Front Desk to be permitted to into the building.  *During the COVID-19 Pandemic, all deliveries must be made to the Front Desk.  Deliveries are not permitted beyond the first floor.

How Do I Reserve a Cart?

Carts are available in the package room. Shopping carts are available in the garage. Please return all carts as soon as you are finished using them as a courtesy to other residents.

Where is the Nearest Dry Cleaner?

Please check out our Local Business Page for recommended dry cleaners and other service providers.

What Elevator May I Use for My Dog?

All elevators are pet friendly at the Rittenhouse Claridge.  Please be considerate of your neighbors if they are not comfortable with pets in the elevator.